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Back to homeBiography and Works of Maria Paz Jimenez
JIMÉNEZ Escudero, María Paz
(Valladolid, 1909 - San Sebastian, 1975)
María Paz Jiménez was born in Valladolid in 1909. During his childhood and with his family
he settled in San Sebastian where his interest in painting was awakened, he learned
and practice in a self-taught way.
In 1933, after his marriage, he moved to Madrid and with the outbreak of the War
Civil goes into exile in Argentina, which he takes advantage of to continue his education. To his
return to San Sebastian, in 1945, participates in the artistic life of the city and
she intensifies her work as a painter.
The continuous trips to Paris allow the approach to the renewing currents and,
from his initial surreal and fantastic style, he adopts an expressionism of evocation
cubist who captures in wide formats with abundant and pasty matter. In stages
later he will use sands and plastic paintings within the informalist trend
until leading, in the 60s, to the purest abstraction, monochrome and
María Paz Jiménez, who was always linked to the avant-garde, died in 1975 and her
figure and work can be considered references of remarkable importance for much of
the protagonists of contemporary art in the Basque Country.
Bilbao 2011 - 2012
María Paz Jiménez: abstract work, 1949-1975. Bilbao, Michel Mejuto Gallery, 24
november 2011 - 7 January 2012.
Irun (Gipuzkoa) 2020
María Paz Jiménez : diamante egonezina = restless diamond. Irun, Menchu Gal Aretoa, 17
september - 22 November 2020.